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Website Hosting

Aside from game hosting, I also offer website hosting.
If you are a friend, I would go as far as do it for free.
Please contact me!


The following requirements need to be met, in order for me to host for you:

  1. Some kind of fast and reliable communication source. Discord is very recommend
  2. You own or have full permission to act in someone elses stead (e.g. if you pay the hosting for a friend).
    If second is the case, I require access to the projects chat and/or Website and contact to the rightful owner of the game.
  3. Any services are provided on an "AS IS" basis without any kind of warranty.
    While tools are utilized to prevent data loss and unauthorized access to sensitive data, I cannot account for every possibility.
  4. You acknowledge, that I (the hoster) may store and use the data to enforce our rules and that I may conduct periodic maintenance on the server in order to ensure maximum security measures

Please also read the terms of service for further inquiries.

Available Services

There are mainly two different types of hosting you can choose from:

Microsoft Windows IIS Hosting

Some websites require to run on Windows IIS.
For that, you will get an account on a Windows machine to administer the IIS yourself.
You can choose between using a sub-domain of or your own free one.

Pricing 5 USD per Month (via PayPal)
Operating System Microsoft Windows Server 2019
Access to server files Yes
MariaDB Support Yes
PHP and other language Support on request Yes
Engine Microsoft IIS

Linux Hosting (Recommend)

Linux is the OS to-go to host any website on. You can choose between Apache or Nginx as your web engine. Included is support for PHP, MariaDB and other languages such as Ruby and NodeJS
Aside from this, you can also choose to host Discord bots for free.

Pricing 5 USD per Month (via PayPal)
Operating System GNU Linux (CentOS or Ubuntu)
Access to server files Yes
MariaDB Support Yes
PHP and other language Support on request Yes
Engine Apache or Nginx